Siloam Children's Ministry

Children’s Church

  • Children ages 4-10 participate in the first half of the service in the main sanctuary with the congregation.
    •  Then they are brought forward to be commissioned and prayed over before they are led out to Children’s Church to continue worshipping the Lord. 
  • The children’s ministry leader and assistants provide a curriculum that promotes the spiritual development of our children in song, dance, bible study, arts and crafts, games and learning activities.
  • They also direct the children’s choir to sing before the congregation during holidays and special events.
(Leader:  Pastor Lendor Brown)


  • The nursery is available to parents with infants and provides all of the necessities to care for their babies comfortably. 
  • Glass windows provide visibility into the sanctuary, which is conveniently situated next door, with audio of the service coming in through the speakers.
  • (Note that parents are welcome to remain in the sanctuary with their calm children, but may want to avail themselves of the nursery to prevent disruptions.)