STC - Siloam Teen Church

The Siloam Teen Church (STC) meets every Wednesday night from 6-7pm with our young, energetic, and innovative group of teens (ages 12-18).  Our pastors and youth leaders assist with teaching, counseling, chaperoning, and transportation needs. 

STC’s approach to youth ministry includes:
  • Connecting with the youth in a fun and loving group building environment that incorporates worship, discipleship, missions and outreach.
  • Encouraging young people to place their faith in God and to grow personally and spiritually.
  • Discipling them to become more involved in spiritual life and to make wiser choices in life.
  • Mentoring them in developing leadership and life skills to prepare them for the world.
  • Providing them with growth opportunities.
  • Challenging them to respond to God’s call to serve others.
  • Every second Sunday is Youth Sunday.

STC Ice Cream Fundraiser 2023